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Llanelli ambush Ponty at Sardis Road

Llanelli ambush Ponty at Sardis Road

Pontypridd’s hopes of a league and cup double were shattered at Sardis Road after Llanelli won the Premiership Play-Off final with a hard earned 18-24 victory.

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Both sides produced an epic finale to the Premiership season. While Ponty have been the most consistent team in the league all season, Llanelli were able to time their late run to perfection and left the House of Pain deserved victors.

Fan had barely had time to settle into their seats before Llanelli got off to a flier. Dazzling centre Nick Reynolds switched the ball infield with full back Dan Newton taking two defenders with him as he crashed over to give Llanelli a perfect start. Shingler knocked over the conversion to give the visitors a 0-7 lead.

Simon Humberstone opened Ponty’s account in the 11th minute after Llanelli infringed at a scrum but he fluffed his lines six minutes later when he missed an easy shot at goal. However he reduced the lead to a single point when he banged over his third attempt in the 19th minute.

Ponty were making life difficult for Llanelli at the breakdown by turning over possession and slowing the ball down but they overstepped the mark on 23mins for Shingler to punish the home side with a penalty.

Llanelli’s defence was coming under increasing pressure. Ponty had the territorial advantage but they were finding it difficult to turn pressure into points but the match turned in Llanelli’s favour just three minutes before the break when Ponty’s industrious flanker Wayne O’Connor received a red card for dropping his knee into a player.

Llanelli made their one man advantage count immediately when scrum half Gareth Davies burst clear. The forwards quickly recycled the ball and Newton worked Nick Reynolds clear who waltzed over.

Dale Ford was sent to the sin bin on the stroke of halftime for putting his hands in the ruck, which meant the sides had 14 men each for the start of the second half. Lanelli lost another man when replacement Nathan White was yellow carded at a ruck just moments after joining the fray. Humberstone’s poor night with the boot continued when he missed the ensuing shot at goal.

Ponty threw everything at their opponents but one huge hit by prop Phil John on winger Owen Williams summed up Llanelli’s stubborn resolve.

Llanelli then stunned Ponty with a slick back move with winger Lee Williams outpacing Gareth Wyatt to Ford’s chip through. With Shingler’s conversion, Llanelli were firmly in control at 6-24.

With 10 minutes to go Ponty received a glimmer of hope when replacement prop Huw Dowden barged his way over. In the dying stages Llanelli were down to 14 men again when Shingler received a yellow card.

Llanelli finished the match with 13 men when Rhys Lawrence received a yellow card for upending a Ponty player. The home side had the last word when scrum half Rhys Downes sniped over from close range for a converted try but it was too little too late.

Scorers: Pontypridd: Tries – Dowden, Downes; Con – Gunter; Pens – Humberstone (2)
Llanelli: Tries -Newton, Reynolds, Williams; Cons – Shingler (3); Pens: Shingler

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Llanelli ambush Ponty at Sardis Road
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Llanelli ambush Ponty at Sardis Road
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Llanelli ambush Ponty at Sardis Road
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Llanelli ambush Ponty at Sardis Road
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Llanelli ambush Ponty at Sardis Road