The refreshed policy will ensure Welsh rugby leads the way in safeguarding its players, volunteers, staff and all those that engage in our national sport; and to support the policy a new suite of resources to promote positive behaviour and provide a platform to set standards of role model behaviour have been made available online.
The WRU Board has approved the new policy and integrity Board Champion Claire Donovan (pictured) said, “The WRU ‘One Wales’ headline strategy, which launched earlier this summer, has a strategic objective that focuses upon fostering a thriving and sustainable community game.
A WRU Fun Fit Fed Rugby camp at Pembroke RFC
“A key part of this is ensuring clubs have qualified, vetted and competent coaches and other volunteers who work in regulated activity, who can inspire children to develop a lifelong love of the game.
“Safeguarding is a key factor in making rugby an attractive and enjoyable sport, where you can make friends for life.
“We want clubs to build a safeguarding culture, so that parents and guardians can be confident that, when their children participate in Welsh rugby, they are safe and have a great experience.”
The WRU has consulted widely on this project installing a WRU Review Panel which was chaired by Board member Alison Thorne, but also included independent representation.

WRU Board member Alison Thorne
The panel met the WRU appointed Independent Safeguarding Advisory Group, Club Safeguarding Officers in the community game and children and young people throughout Wales.
As a consequence a suite of resources have been produced to assist all participants and WRU and regional rugby staff in building safeguarding cultures in our clubs.
The WRU has launched the following resources housed on the WRU Game Locker
• WRU Safeguarding Policy
• Abbreviated version of the Safeguarding Policy
• Safeguarding Policy – Easy Read version and story books for children
• WRU Safeguarding Kit Bag – Operational Guidance
• Cydweithio Working Together – A Guide for Coaches and Club Safeguarding Officers working with children and young people
• Rhieni Rygbi – A Guide for Parents in Sport
Chair of the WRU appointed, Independent Safeguarding Advisory Group, Nick Slinn says, “This is a policy for everyone which includes a Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults Policy. There is also an abbreviated version of the full policy, along with a Safeguarding ‘Kit Bag’ which provides valuable operational advice and guidance for volunteers.
“We have consulted extensively with the WRU on this project and we know how much hard work has gone into developing these resources.
“It’s been a collaborative effort and it’s great to see how this has progressed over the last eighteen months.”
A series of twelve Safeguarding roadshows were held by the WRU in clubs across Wales. These roadshows provided participants with a preview of the policy and other resources alongside the opportunity to feedback, promote conversation and share best practice examples.
They were attended by over 270 volunteers from 101 clubs and focusing on supporting Club Safeguarding Officers through a cohesive ‘one club’ approach. The three-hour sessions also focused on the role and importance of parents in sport and examined case studies to aid group work.
In addition to the new policy, the WRU is developing an easy-read version of the policy and story books for children and young people, providing simple, educational guidance about safeguarding, and tools on how to safeguard yourself.
WRU Community Director, Geraint John added, “Safeguarding is at the heart of what we do in Welsh rugby.
WRU community director Geraint John
“We want to further develop safe and inclusive environments, working collaboratively with clubs to ensure that the safeguarding policy is brought to life through education and training.
“The policy is in place for our Club Safeguarding Officers and Coaches, for our players and other volunteers and everyone involved in the game”
If you require any additional information or want to report a safeguarding concern, please contact your Club Safeguarding Officer or the WRU Safeguarding Team