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WRU statement – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


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The Welsh Rugby Union condemns the use of racist, homophobic or sexist language and states in the strongest possible terms that racism, homophobic, sexist or bullying behaviour has no place in Welsh rugby.

WRU statement issued to BBC Wales on 19/1/2023

Our people are very important to us and we cannot stress enough how sad we are to hear about the feelings expressed in the programme, when we had worked with them to find a solution.

At the WRU we take any allegations from our staff seriously, in particular regarding the behaviour, attitudes and language described in the programme. If any allegations are substantiated, we will act very swiftly as such behaviour has no place in the WRU or Welsh rugby.

We work hard to promote a culture within the WRU that values our staff and their opinions and have robust procedures in place to deal with complaints raised by our staff. We follow up on all issues raised, either with internal or external investigations.

We reached an amicable resolution, satisfying both parties, with Charlotte Wathan. The terms of the resolution included confidentiality obligations for both parties, leaving us with no option but to decline the BBC’s request for interview on this matter.

It is vitally important to note that we have a duty of care as employers to both the complainants and those complained against. That duty of care continues and we are deeply concerned about the effect of this programme on those individuals in respect of the fact the allegations described remain unsubstantiated following a thorough independent legal investigation.

There are two other cases highlighted by the BBC, one which was investigated at the time and reached resolution due to the withdrawal of the complaint and another which was also investigated to conclusion, but which now contains new information brought to light by the BBC, which will be followed up and acted upon.

Again, in both of these cases we also find ourselves in a position where we can’t disclose private information or details about the investigation and the conclusions reached and strongly maintain the right and proper procedures and processes were followed in each case.

We strongly refute any suggestion that the women’s game has been ‘held back’ or restricted by issues described. In fact we would highlight the significant progress we have made in this area in recent times. The progression of women’s and girls’ rugby is a key strategic aim for the WRU and will remain so long into the future.

We are extremely disappointed in the BBC to be asked to participate in a programme in January 2023 primarily to answer comments made by Ms Wathan in an interview with the BBC in October 2022, when the BBC are fully aware that we cannot respond given the terms of the settlement reached.

We again stress how sad we are to hear how the individuals felt as highlighted in the programme and will continue to work with our staff on making sure they feel valued and listened to.

At the WRU we are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. We work hard in this area and employ full time dedicated staff to ensure continued best and proper practice.

WRU statement in response to press release from BBC Wales, issued midnight 22/01/2023:

We would like to draw attention to the full Welsh Rugby Union statement issued to BBC Wales Investigates above, as the press release issued by the programme only uses some of the response.

In addition we would like to correct some points of fact referenced in the press release issued by BBC:

– The statement reads: “… she gave them a list of potential witnesses to corroborate what she was saying. But the BBC has discovered that a number of them were not contacted. And the man she accused… wasn’t interviewed as part of the grievance inquiry.” This sentence is misleading in respect of the allegation specifically referenced in the BBC Wales press release. The BBC are aware that this allegation formed part of the grievance investigation undertaken by an external law firm.  The individual accused was not named in the grievance nor during the grievance investigation, but was interviewed by the external investigator having been subsequently identified in 2022

– For reasons outlined above we are not in a position to discuss this matter further other than to explain that the external investigator determined who to interview and that the allegation was found to be unsubstantiated

– The statement does not make clear that a number of the allegations date back a number of years and were only reported in the grievance received in April 2021

– In the grievance, an unnamed individual was alleged to have made an unacceptable comment in 2019. This was the first time this allegation had been raised. That individual was not named during the grievance investigation.

– BBC Wales are aware of our concerns regarding differences between details of the allegation referenced in its press release and the allegation contained in the grievance received

– We took this very seriously and instructed an external law firm to conduct an investigation into the matters raised. The external investigator was given the freedom to determine who would be interviewed as part of that investigation.

– We fully respect the right of all of our employees to bring complaints and/or grievances in respect of unacceptable behaviour or conduct and will always take any such complaint seriously. This is what happened in this situation – we did not avoid the issue and would have accepted whatever findings were made by the external investigator and taken action accordingly

– The external investigator conducted a comprehensive investigation which lasted a number of months, during which multiple witnesses were interviewed

– With respect to the comments made by Tonia Antoniazzi MP, the WRU invites the Labour MP for Gower to make direct contact on the issues she raises and would welcome the opportunity to discuss her concerns. In respect of this matter, apart from some positive comments about recent progress in the Women’s game during informal discussions at women’s international matches, the only formal contact the WRU has had with Ms Antoniazzi has been a letter in early 2021 raising concerns regarding the strategic direction of the Women’s elite rugby pathway ahead of the commissioning of the Mid-Term Strategic Review in April 2021


Positive action in this area undertaken in the last 12-18 months includes:


o People Director, Lydia Stirling, was appointed to the WRU Executive Board

o Full Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) review and feedback report from Plan4Sport. Included EDI training for all staff

o Board & Exec EDI Sponsors appointed

o External whistleblowing line implemented

o Internal EDI working group established

o New EDI Partner role recruited

o Draft EDI plan now in place to be agreed by Board

o Inclusive leaders programme working with Chwarae Teg

o Engagement survey complete and EDI topic was 3rd most favourable topic in organisation

Women’s game:

o Performance Director, Nigel Walker, appointed to the WRU Executive Board

o Women’s Strategy Group established

o The issuing of professional contracts for circa 30 players.

o The appointment of a new head coach, Ioan Cunningham, and two full time assistant coaches who have created an environment which is allowing the players to express themselves both on and off the pitch.

o The appointment of a full science and medicine team which includes two physios, three S&C coaches, two analysts, nutritionist and doctor.

o The NCE has become the permanent home of the women’s senior and U20 programmes.

o The establishment of an U18s team and Women’s U18 regional competition

o Increased resource at all levels of the women’s programme

o The establishment of development centres in North, East and West Wales to identify and nurture talent in the 18-24 year-old group with a view to establishing two competitive teams over time.

o The appointment of a lead age grade coach (Liza Burgess) who has responsibility for the U20s and U18s teams and is the link through the development centres to the senior squad.

o The appointment of a Head of Player Development who alongside Liza has the responsibility for the seamless pathway at national level from age 16 onwards.

WRU statement issued on 13/12/2022

The WRU confirms that an amicable resolution (satisfying both parties) has been reached with Charlotte Wathan, who resigned as general manager women’s rugby in February 2022. The WRU is proud of its efforts around inclusivity, equality and diversity and will continue with its work in this important area. We wish Charlotte well for the future.


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WRU statement – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
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WRU statement – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
WRU statement – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
WRU statement – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
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WRU statement – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Rhino Rugby
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WRU statement – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Princes Gate
WRU statement – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Total Energies
Seat Unique
WRU statement – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Castell Howell
Glamorgan Brewing
Hawes & Curtis
WRU statement – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion